5Ss in 3Ms
the Subject simultaneously experiencing:
Smiling at your challenges
Serving with talent and the
Sophistication of the Self in
Me (interior and exterior), the
Many and the
Mundus (world)

KALM Meditation follows the KALM Cycle:
alternating stations of observing and exploring, that is, alternating ATTENTION between the object of experience and the observer or experiencer.
1. OBSERVING where I am in the moment, taking into consideration that the moment is always new or apparently changing.
3. ALTERNATING and the balance between OBSERVING and EXPLORING and the
4. SIMULTANEITY or integration of ObservingExploring
observing and exploring concrete, subtle and causal experience.
exploring the internal/external, individual/collective symmetry, that is, the emptiness of mental objects and de-personalization
evolves from dreaming to observing or awareness, to experiencing or feeling awareness or alternating between Observing and Exploring, to the simultaneity of kontemplating and celebrating
Recognizing the MOMENT as the PRESENT CONTINUOUS in which everything is happening, which lacks nothing and nothing is too extra, and everything is OK just as it is.
By Subject we refer to that which observes and explores and its nature can be:
concrete (observes and explores concrete objects),
subtle (observes and explores concrete and subtle objects) or
causal (observes and explores concrete, subtle and causal objects).
The Cycle's movements are evolutionary, and the quality of the competency
is different depending on the tier (concrete, subtle or causal)
and evolutionary phase that we inhabit at the time.
Giving rise to dreaming, observing, experiencing and the simultaneity of kontemplating and celebrating.
KALM Meditation is highly creative and utilizes numerous techniques and tools such as play, surprise, art, movement, nature...
No meditation is the same but they all follow the same pattern of the KALM Cycle: alternating between observing objects of observation and the subject that observes and internal/external symmetry until the border between subject and object is dissolved, eventually simultaneity of all apparent objects and all apparent subjects is experienced,
which is experienced as KALM in daily life independent of circumstances.
5S In 3M
The Subject Simultaneously experiencing
Smiling to the challenges,
Serving with talent, the
Sophistication of the Self in
Me (interior and exterior),
Many and
Mundus (world).
Observing the space between thoughts leads to emptiness of mental content and de- objectification, which is experienced as UNDERSTANDING, MENTAL PEACE AND HAPPINESS. It is symmetrical to depersonalization.

Observing other without without attachment to outcome or sense of doership leads to the experience of UNITY and LOVE.
It is symmetrical to depersonalization.

Play, surprise, art, movement and action in service lead to depersonalization, which is experienced as FLOW and CREATIVITY.
It is symmetrical to emptiness of mental content.

Observing external objects without attachment to outcome or sense of doership leads to depersonalization, which is experienced as HARMONY and BEAUTY.
It is symmetrical to emptiness of mental content